Airbrush Skin Tutorial

In this easy tutorial I will show you how to airbrush skin on a photo in Gimp. If an image is too small in this tutorial simply click on the image to enlarge it.

Step One:
Open up the image you would like to use by going to File>Open. I am using the image below:

Step Two:
Grab your zoom tool and zoom into the face. Now, grab your healing tool. You can make your brush larger (if you desire) by going to scale. Then find a clear patch on the face then click Ctrl on your keyboard and left click on your mouse. Now start clicking over any pimples and red spots on the face. Here is how my image looks after:

Step Three:
Now, grab your smudge tool and set the rate at anywhere from 16-20. You are also going to want to select a fuzzy brush and set the brush size to your liking then smudge all over the face and any other skin area that is showing. You're Done! Here is my outcome:

Need more help? Check out the video below: